"Choosing trust over doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." -Victoria Monfort

Friday, October 19, 2007

Gimme an F!...

It's mother fucking Friday. That's how I feel today. I have been so busy, I havn't had time to jot anything down in my blog. The horror. And, I know how everyone hangs on my every word...*crickets chirp* right? Anyways....

I had three regional meetings for my VP's to prepare for. I've been running ragged. I'm still totally injured. And, I'm going to Cedar Point for Halloweekends. So, I suspect I will be in more pain come Monday. I'll probably catch a cold too. I've been taking my zinc. I got up to $12/hr at work this week. I hope they keep my stats. I remember they use to always "lose" them from time to time.

The boy made me a CD. On it, had "Teachings on Love" by Thich Nhat Hanh. A book. So far, I really like it. Like most of the buddhist way of thinking, it's common sense. Nurture the positive seeds in the one you love. Love yourself first, so that you know how to love, and receive love. That's most important. That was a lesson that took me until a couple years ago to even grasp. And even now, I sometimes struggle with it.

Happy weekend all! I'm off tonight, and going to a friends sex toy party. I know you are all jealous, because I would be too!


Janet said...

You didn't have any time to blog this week? Take that sentiment and multiply it by 40 or so and you have my blogging life.

Congrats on the major weight loss too. Looking good! You know, in theory, since I can't actually see you:)

Rachel said...

Take care of yourself and that cold. (Yes, I'm jealous).