"Choosing trust over doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." -Victoria Monfort

Friday, December 15, 2006

Miss Me?...

It's been forever since I could update. What, with starting a new job and all. You guys even missed my birthday yesterday...my BIRTHDAY. I see how it is. I'm now the big 31. It didn't seem like my birthday, I didn't tell anyone at work. Boo hoo. I met Bubba after work for dinner, and we had a beer. Her treat. Awesome. She got me a nice bathrobe, which I always wanted and never had. I'm going out of town this wknd with CP. He got us a cabin for my birthday. I know what you are thinking, but shut up. We're "friends" and more. Nothing official. I'm doing what the hell I wanna do. Ya hurr?

So far the new job seems to be too good to be true. Everyone is really nice, and laid back. My Vice Presidents are even cool. Can you believe that? I have three, they each have about 10 district managers, and I handle them all. It's a totally different world than the plant business, that is for sure. But I like a challenge. I'll be doing a lot of reports, mail, answering the phone. Trying to remember to answer each VP's line "so and so's" office and my line different is a joy. I think once I get the hang of it, I will really fit in and like it. I got a fancy schmancy Franklin Covey planner that I have to keep track of everything in, it's like...a requirement or something. That's hard to get use to, but it'll be a habit soon.

The building I work in is huge. Mind you, I literally worked in a barn for 7 years. Now I work in this huge place with three buildings, and about 3,000 employees. I don't get around much for fear of getting lost. Of course, I know where to smoke. We have our own cafeteria, and even a jewelry store inside. I can't wait to buy myself something. Um, at cost. Muh ah-ah-ah ahhhh.I'm going to be blinged out ya'll. That is, once I can afford to live. This pay cut is going to kill me. I'm barely able to pay my monthly bills and I need to figure something out. That is without getting the health insurance. I have 3 months to decide if I want it or not. Hopefully in that time I can get a second job.

Funny thing happened this week. One of my friends who shall remain nameless but she knows who she is, failed her drug test for her job. We met on a lunch break, and I gave her my pee. Is that true friendship, or what? Needless to say we passed. Yay for us!

Hopefully starting next week I can update again daily. I hate when people don't update. And here I am. Being a hippocrite. Piss off. I'm actually allowed to get online during my breaks and lunches. Yea, like I said...too good to be true.


Erin said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad your job is going well - I'm so happy you were able to find something you like!

Anonymous said...

Yay Monica. I'm glad you are liking the new job. We'll have to go out and kickit for your bday.

supplymadam said...

So glad there is a spring in your step. Happy Belated Birthday. So many birthdays this month for me. 2 friends,my hubby and his brother(being they are fraternal twins)and my mom.

Anonymous said...

I think I envy you your job.

Celina said...

Oh, I'm soooo happy for you! I think I tried to comment before (when you first told us about the new job), but blogger was being a jerk! Anyways, many congratulations to you!!

Rachel said...

Congrats on your new job! That's tough about the pay cut and no health though. Sounds like you're going through a tough time. Hang in there.

Also, happy birthday! Sorry it came and passed without any celebration. That's happened to me and it sucks. I want a grandiose production! I think it should be a national holiday. You should go out and do a belated celebration.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday!

Glad to hear that the new job is going well so far.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
I was so glad to read you got a job - whoot whoot!
Take care,

Fizzgig said...

Thank you everyone!