"Choosing trust over doubt gets me burned once in a while, but I'd rather be singed than hardened." -Victoria Monfort

Monday, August 27, 2012

Vay Cay Shun!!

Hello sweet cabin-y bliss!

I had hoped to make it to the beach to see my sister before the weather turned, but finances have not made that possible. I could go late fall, but who wants to visit the beach in late fall?

I have long been trying to get friends together to do a girls weekend in a cabin in Amish country......but since I am but one of two single girls I hang out with....it's hard to do.  

So, I decided to book a vacation, and get a back up. Meaning. My Mother.  So I won't have wild nights drinking wine and talking about boys with my friends? I'll just do it with my Momma. She's just as fun, and a definate weekend date!

Plus it'll be a great memory for us to share!

I booked a scaled down version of my favorite cabin in amish country. Only 2 bedrooms, but just as amazing.
Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2

Aside from the amazing wineries, massive craft shops, and Amish restaurants,  we will have games, and our scarey movies to watch in the woods, in the dark, via fireplace light....something we both enjoy!! And needing alone time will force me to still go out on runs on the hiking trails!

Only 108 days until my official vacation. I went over a year without any time away from home....so this is going to be awesome!! So what I won't be spending it with girlfriends, or the future Mr. Me? I'm still going away!

Where we will watch our scarey movies, with our hot chocolate!

Where we will cook our foods!

Mr. Magoo has a great in-house petsitter lined up as well. It's a win-win.


Carolyn G said...

Have a great time!! That cabin looks amazing!

Miss Anita said...

that looks fantastic!

Teena in Toronto said...

What a cool spot!

Rachel said...

That place looks amazing! :) I MUCH prefer a vacation like that to the beach (i know - I'm strange).

Urban Cynic said...

That cabin looks lush - and very American! We have quaint little cottages which are really lovely, but a cabin... now that's something else!