Day 2 in Virginia was a fun one. It took forever for us to get up and around. I called Tayray to check in. She said Billy didn't eat but thats cus I left the bunny room open and she ate the cat food. Bad doggie! I miss the kids, it's hard to be away from them. It's a sickness, I can't help it!
I think CP fits right in with the fam. We're all a bunch of nutcakes!
We went down to the beach today, it's just down the road. I kept saying, hey, we're at the beach, and we're not wearing winter coats! It was chilly but not snowing, mkay? CP got in the friggin ocean, just about up to his knees, cus he's nuts! I took a cool pic of our shadows on the beach. We got our tickets for the Christmas lights. We're going tomorrow to drive on the beach and see Christmas lights! The lady kept trying to sell us a time share. CP wasn't familiar, but I tried to get him out of there and he said we should go, it's a free vacation! Yea, it sure sounds nice, but I know better. We left. I said you can go on your own and they said we had to go together since we were 'married' mmmm hmmm. Scam!
We went into a cool store, that had all kinds of metaphysical stuff. I got some candles for seduction, money, and harmony. I also got some stones for various things, some fung shuei bells, and a real pendulum. I used a rose quartz on a string to communicate with the animals. (go ahead and laugh but it works!) Now I have the real deal!
Me and my momma sat on the corner and sang Christmas carols, very well I might add, and no one even paid attention to us. As if, that sort of thing goes on all the time. No tips either. Rude!
We ate dinner at a diner. I had meatloaf. It was good. Gave me the shits, but good nonetheless!
We went to Kohls to do some last minute shopping. We're going back tomorrow. They have a down comforter, queen size, for 60 bucks! Regular 150!!! You can't pass up a deal like that. It's the perfect color for my bedroom too! Bonus! I get paid next Wed, and I'm turning 30. I think it'll make me happy. Maybe.
Tonight we had Xmas! CP got me for my Bday a George Foreman! I can't wait to use it! I got lots of nice stuff! My momma made mean afgan, my sis made me some bath salts all different scents, they smell good! Hello kitty nightlight, Hello Kitty stamp and stamp pad. (from now on all things I touch shall have the seal of approval of Hello Kitty!), pineapple night light, candles, shoes, a big fat stuffed cat, a cat statue with a girl on it, tea cups and saucers, charms for glasses, a book about the spirit world, cat picture frame, towels, flannel sheets, sunflower bowl, snowman ornament, hello kitty change purse, bad kitty pajamas, yoga pants, cappucinno, catfenated mug (decatf too), sunflower hooks, antique spindles and spools, a flower pot, aromatherapy oil and a stone, a frog prince (who I kissed and found CP too!).
I got more stuff, but it's hard to remember it all at once. Too much pressure! We had some laughs and now we're winding down. Time goes so fast when your not working, I don't get why it can't go fast at work.
Momma didn't make her a mean afghan, she made a nice afghan. Monica had a little Midori sour tonight so go figure. Oh yeah and one beer. Plus her little fingers hurt from opening her gifts that her mom and sister had taped pretty good. (no peaking allowed!)
Sad to know she is leaving us to go back to the God forsaken state of OHIO>> I just don't get it. We want her to throw her brother in the car and get down here.
Your furkids are missing you too. Billy keeps growling at me, & the cats hide from me!
I dont know how she can remember every gift she recieved from that long list. Shes talented. (in more ways then one) Plus she kissed that frog prince while I was there, since it didnt turn into anything, she just used me as a second choice. j/k
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